Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Leading from the Inside Out

OK... I promise this is my last posting of my DC trip. Another favorite session was called Ingredients to Leadership Greatness Leading From the Inside Out. Basically, the speaker focused on 5 major points each hitting close to home.

1. A Call to Express Individuality- God call His Leaders by name and don't settle to being a carbon copy of someone else.

2. A Call to Humble-Matt. 20:26-the key to being great is to be a servant(take position of serving) and who are you serving and who are you mentors

3. A Call to Focused Intensity-leaders aren't called to comfort but to commitment

4. A Call to Uncompromising Integrity-God expects truth as a central part of our character

5. A Call to Deeping Intimacy-don't wait for a breakdown to use the Bible as the owner's manual of your life, know scripture.

Wow, I know its a brief but heavy and a soul check within. I chose to post about this because so many times I found myself wanting to be someone else and what they have, being to comfortable in my walk, and wanting to be a leader but lacked focused. I pray for myself that it changes and I do start leading which begins from the inside. One challenge for myself is know more scripture, I mean really know it in my heart. Truly what you are on the inside determines your effectiveness on the outside. My journey begins. I begin with this scripture, "for we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works which He prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10 So, journey with me and make a commitment to know a new scripture each month and hide His word in our hearts. Thanks for listening to my rambles of a great leadership week and enjoy a couple of photos of our time in Washington DC.

1 comment:

obriant clan said...

Kara! What a great work you are sharing. I am challanged myself to not only know more scripture as well but to work with my kids to know more. You are an inspiration!
