Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Soap Box

I have to tell you about my soap box that I got on the other day with Ryan. Poor guy just looked at me like a deer in headlights and then would say yes, I know. Well, I don't know if he really knows or understands but it was nice to get it off my chest so I could move on and have a good day. :)
Here it is....Do any of you like me get a little overwhelmed with all the fundraisers and constant asking of money from the school systems? Ok.. I said it and it sounds so tacky but hear me out for a minute. In just the past 2 weeks, my girls backpacks have been full of info on fundraising and sending in money for certain things. For example, Addie has 2 fundraisers going on right now, A Fun Run and selling butter breads. Yikes! Last week was Halloween so I sent in money for the party plus money for the Zoo field trip in December and the week before that was school pictures. Then, this week they send home Scholastic Book orders. I sound like a grumpy mommy but seriously..I feel like weekly I am sending in money for something and this doesn't even include Avery's preschool stuff! I went on and on to Ryan about how I want to be a huge supporter of Addie's school and will always participate in the activities but it does take a toll on me. Being on a single income, we watch all pennies and sometimes I just have to say no. This month it was Scholastic book orders and I had to convince myself that it was ok. Just part of my personality, but I hate for it to "look" like I am not supporting the school. Ryan convinced me that its ok and really Addie's teacher would completely understand as she is a single mom herself. So, thats my soapbox! Can someone adjust my attitude please or say they understand or offer any advice??? Your input would help my self worth here!! he he :D
Thanks for listening and letting me vent one last time as I am off to print out pictures for school project for Addie! Ha ha :) Cha-ching!!!!


Erin said...

Whew! That is a lot of requests for money!

As a former teacher, let me just say that by being a good parent you are supporting your child's school. Addie being a good student both behavorially and academically goes a LONG way towards supporting her teacher and classmates. Also, support doesn't have to be monetary.

And you know, those school pictures are expensive, and I've seen better ones from Target, who send out coupons all the time! :)

Crystal said...

I am with you my friend! And since Samantha and Mario go to the same school as Addie, I get the same backpacks full of stuff x 2!! That's why I had them choose between the Fun Run and Skate Night. I bought the smallest packet of pictures, even though they were pretty cute! But even then it was almost $20. And although the butter braids are yummy!! do I ask family and friends to support both kids at 10 bucks a pop! I'm with Erin, I support my kids' teachers and classrooms through my volunteering & parenting. Which I think that they appreciate more than anything (I know my kids do!!)

Jackie said...

Hey Kara! I can totally understand how you feel. I have 3 kids that come home with backpacks full of fundraisers and book fair forms and not to mention just all the notes they send home. And next year I'll have 4 kids in school..yikes! Here are some things we do...
I take the kids to target to get their individual pictures taken once a year, usually around the time school starts, for $4 a sheet. I don't buy the school pictures. They're pricey and they're not always the best pictures!
Our school has mmmmmultiple book fairs. So we don't buy books every time. And when we do, we give them each a certain amount and they have to find books, or a book, to fit their 'budget'. I think it's usually $10. All they care about is that they got to buy something from the book fair. And if they want to spend their own money then they can get more!

m.c. said...

the pictures get me every time...

and i can't turn down the field trip requests...

how am i NOT supposed to go to the thanksgiving feast...for BOTH of them...taking aiden with me???

the stupid, ugly class t-shirts are worn on special days and to all field how do i say no????

i throw away ALL book order forms before they make it through the no problem there. my angle...until you have read EVERY book we own...twice...we have no need for new ones.

and butter bread???? PLEASE!!!! I'm doing good to make dinner every night. annnnnd...if they want the haunted house cake for halloween, all the cupcakes for their class for their birthdays, cookies for the parties, and a lunch...they can forget about butter bread.

furthermore.........wait. what were we talking about?

i'm saying NOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Kara Prater said...

Thanks so much for the friendly input that helped boost my inner struggle! :) LOL!!

Really though, its nice to know I am not alone. You all gave great insights and made me laugh. :) Promise, next post not to be a gripe fest. Ha

Syl Hartschuh said...

Wait! Hold the phone...did you day butter breads? I wish I'd of known...I could have sold several for you. I have several friends and my mom who would have bought at least 2-3 each.