Saturday, February 12, 2011

What's Your Favorite????

Its that time of year that if you were trying to exercise, stay thin, or at least watch your portion's out the window because Girl Scout cookies are in! ;) I love these little cookies and I really can't believe I spend 3.50 on a box.
Well, $17 later, I have 5 boxes ordered 2 which have already been delivered and 1 box that has already been open. :) So, as I sit here drinking a cup of coffee and eating ONE thin mint, I ask...What is Your Favorite girl scout cookie???? What is the one you just can't get enough? Mine???
Thin Mints
Peanut Butter
Thin Mints
Peanut Butter

Yep, you get the picture! :) So now your turn...which little scrumptious cookie can you just not help but eat, and eat, and eat????


Steph T. said...

I love u even more....You are not gonna believe this...

those are my favorite 3 also...we must be long lost sisters or something...LOL!

Erin said...

Samoas!!! (though I think they might have changed the name) yay! :)