ever noticed that you go through certain phases of things in your life???? Like for instance, I am Dr Pepper/Coke lover and I could have one every day so I try to settle for the diet so I don't consume so many calories and sugar. Well anyway, I got myself off a cola drinks for awhile when my mouth busted out with 2 canker sores inside due to my acidic drinking habits. So, I decided to move on to my next favorite drink, that being sweet tea. OK....zip it, yes I said sweet tea, tea loaded with the white sugar. You know the type you seeing swirling down at the bottom. Yep, doesn't work well like my theory with cola drinks but its so tasty and refreshing as it warms up outside. :D
So do you have phases of things that seem to surface and go away and then resurface. Hmmm, let me share some more, that would be my gummy coke bottles, chewy nerds that entered my world during Valentines day and Easter, less time on facebook, then alot of time on facebook, reading books, etc, etc.
Just some things I've noticed that seem to move in my life quickly and out, then back in, then back out! Sad thing, most of them involve Sugar... I must be a sugar momma! ;D
Let’s Go Antiquing!
6 hours ago
Blogging definitely comes in and out, sweet tea, and mocha latte's from Starbucks! Well, I could really have one of those anytime...
And sewing and crafting comes in and out, too.
Hey silly..my mistake on my blog I should've wrote, "does anyone but, Riley, KARA, and Me read this thing!?" haha!!
Your blog is so true.....EXERCISING is my phase in-phase out!! (Mostly phase out, though!!) I'm ALWAYS IN with my DPs!!! Have a great day!!
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