Sunday, March 21, 2010

Secret of the South

OK, 2 people I faithfully follow on blogs have posted a "cookie" that well seems to be the Secret of the South! They even claim it could be the best cookie they have ever had!!!! It looks so good and I'll be giving them a try soon because Ryan about died when he found out it has Brer Rabbit molasses as a favorite ingredient!
So, to my readers who need a new dessert recipe to rav it is. Enjoy! :)

TaMolasses Cookies :D

3/4 cup Butter Flavored Crisco

1 cup packed light Brown Sugar

1/4 cup Brer Rabbit Full Flavor Molasses

1 egg

(blend above ingredients together til creamy)


2 cups White Flour (plus 1 – 2 tblsp depending if the dough is too sticky after final mixture)

2 tsp Baking Soda

1 Tblsp (or more ;) ) Cinnamon

1/2 tsp Salt

1 tsp Cloves

3/4 tsp Ginger

mix well into the creamed mixture. the dough should be very slightly sticky, but not so sticky that if you touch it would stick to your finger. you should be able to roll it in your hands without it sticking to your palms. if its too sticky add that 1 – 2 tblsp extra baking flour and mix again.

roll into balls, roll into sugar, bake in a 375 degree oven for 9-11 minutes.

1 comment:

Steph T. said...

THEY are sooo moist! Just reading that made me want to make some! LOL!