My husband picked up Francis Chan's new book Forgotten God. It looks like another quick read and I can't wait to hunker down and begin the book!
I was looking through the book at some quotes, chapter titles and did a little reading here and there. I read the following and almost quit breathing! I was amazed. Here is what it said...
"How many times have you heard someone say, "I just wish I knew God's will for my life"? I know I've longed for this before. But now I see it as a misguided way of thinking and talking. There are very few people in the Scriptures who received their life plan from God in advance (or even their five-year plan, for that matter!) Consider Abraham, who was told to pack up his family and all his possessions and start walking. He didn't know where he was going. He didn't know if he would ever be back. He didn't know any of the details we consider vital (destination, how long the venture will take, what the costs/rewards would be, whether he'd receive a 401k, or health insurance.) God said to go and he went, and that's pretty much all he knew.
I think a lot of us need to forget about God's will for my life. God cares more about our response to His Spirit's leading today, in the moment, than about what we intend to do next year. In fact, the decisions we make next year will be profoundly affected by the degree to which we submit to the Spirit right now, in today's decisions."
WOW! I was totally blown away reading that small paragraph as I was looking inside Chan's new book! How true this is for our life right now as we feel God really stirring something and speaking to us. It was good for me to read this because I think for my personality, I need and have to have it all planned out and know exactly what's next. Francis Chan' goes on to say that dwelling on the future often excuses us from the faithful and sacrificial living today. He says that when we constantly talk or question our future, or stay even a safe zone , that we can let it take the place of letting the Spirit affect or immediate actions in radical ways.
I think this is exactly what has been going on with me and Ryan and this "stir".
I don't think it was coincidence for me to come across that today. Especially after Ryan and I had a wonderful conversation last night followed with prayer.
I am excited now to jump right in this book and learn more about the Holy Spirit.
Thank You Francis Chan!
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20 hours ago
Sounds like an awesome book! Thanks for sharing that kara!
WOW! Matt is reading that book and I can't wait for him to get done! I think I might just have to go buy it before he is finished!
Thanks for sharing that...great stuff!!
Hi, I’ve noticed that you’ve blogged about Forgotten God, by Francis Chan. As you may know, we have just released a Forgotten God DVD Study Resource. Because of your wonderful blog post about the book, I’d like to offer you a free copy of the DVD to review. Please email me your address, and I’d be happy to send it. Thanks!
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