Tuesday, June 3, 2008

my summer book read

Summer is a nice time to relax, not have a schedule, stay in your pj's until husband swings home for lunch, and reading. I was introduced to a book that Beth Moore is pushing through her blog for a summer read so I am joining the journey and reading the book. The book is called No Other Gods by Kelly Minter. I thought this was perfect timing as I feel some small "gods" are creeping into my life. This book excites me as I feel it definitely will be life inspiring especially if Beth Moore is pushing it as a must read. So, in the next couple of days I am off to Mardels or Life Way to get it. Hope you join me in this summer read and if you do, lets talk and share.
I am ready......


m.c. said...

um...excuse me???? what happen to our boondoggles night out???? i'm waiting. :)

Erin said...

Some of the girls from my Bible study at church are doing that for the summer as well. I wasn't going to do it b/c I'm leading a small group at our church's women's summer Bible study, but keep us updated on how you like it... I may have to add it to my book list! Enjoy your late PJ days!