I decided to finally put my words into action and on poster board! I think one of my constant overwhelmed feelings I get as a mom of 3 girls is the day in and day out chores that greet me each day. Since Addie and Avery are now in school and have expectations given for them each day there, I thought yep, they could conquer some expectations at home. So, I made a daily chore poster board that hangs in Addie's room where they can each read what they are expected to do each morning and each night. It has been AMAZING!! The girls were excited to have "assigned chores" and with a reward system in place, it gets them very motivated. :) Each morning the girls have chores that are age appropriate and they have to complete them by noon. Then the night chores have to be done directly after bath time in order to put there star on their chart. For example, Addie chore's are as follows...
Make Bed
Get Dressed
Brush Teeth
Due Her Hair
Pick up toys/room
Feed Obi-Wan (our dog)
Help with Bath Time
Avery's are little more modified but you get the gist! It has made our summer routine start off quite nicely without me constantly riding them about getting things done. They know if its not done, no sticker! So many stickers equal trips to snow cones, starbucks, movies, and shopping, etc.
Wow, after implementing this, I didn't even have to remind Addie and Avery and Annalise it only takes telling her once. This has helped me tremendously lighten the load and help the girls realize that this house is a team work effort and not just run by mom and mom alone. I would hate for them to become teenagers and realize they have never taken any ownership in household chores and everything is handed to them on a silver platter!
So there ya go....Chore duty at the Prater household is great! :)
My goal...the girl's would still have enough steam to enforce this into the school year! Only time will tell.....
Style Showcase 276
21 hours ago
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