Sunday, August 3, 2008

My Challenge

A few posts back, I challenged myself and you to memorize a scripture for each month so together we can have God's word hidden in our heart and so we can truly know His word. Its the first of August and I am excited to tell you what I am doing for this month to help me grow better as a woman of God, better as a mom, and better as a leader. First of all, I will continue to have my daily time with God and start my new memorization of scripture for the month. Secondly, I started reading a book for strictly bath time and its called "Nurturing the Leader Within Your Child What every Parent Needs to Know, and Thirdly I purchased the book(you know the one I ranted and raved about that was promoted during my DC trip) "Made To Count." This book is the one I am really ready to read. It will be here in a couple of days so hold on because you know I'll post on something incredible from that book!
Whew, a lot to input in this stay at home mommy brain but I am excited about my challenge. I have needed to be stretched for awhile. So, I wanted to share my goals for this month and my memory verse. I decided to choose memory verses that really would help me in an area of my life that I feel God is speaking to me. I need to tell you that I came across this verse during my morning bible study time just the other day and in fact it came right during my reading of the book "No Other Gods" by Kelly Minter. I knew it was the verse that needed to be rooted deeply in my heart. Here it is..
"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" Hebrews 13:5-6
There you go! My journey for the month of August. I'll share from time to time how its going and how God is using my morning bible time or how He is using a certain book. Now, I want to encourage you my friends to journey with me. Pick a book about marriage, parenting, a woman of God or simply just pick a scripture to know for the month of August. Memorize mine with me. I would love to have some of you journey with me and share life.
So, let me know, what gets your blood pumping, what excites you about a new month?

1 comment:

Keri said...

Hi Kara! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. I LOVE comments and especially those from newcomers! You know how it feels to have someone say "amen, sista!" to something you wrote or give you a bloggy hug when you're blue and blogging about it.

Anyway, this post was what I needed. You may have read the post about the elephant in the room and know that things are very very stressful and frightening in our house about our business and work and the future. Well, I am thankful you quoted that particular verse. God has spoken such peace and security to me lately through crazy, simple, off-the-wall things like that over the past few days. Thank you for following His leading that day (last week?) It's amazing how He planned for you to write that, then you find me via Vicky Courtney, leave a comment, etc., etc.

Ain't that just cool?

I look forward to reading more of your blog again soon.

I feel like I've found another friend! yay, me!